Saturday, June 22, 2013

Review: Post Grad

Review: Post Grad

Post Grad


Post Grad (DVD)
By Alexis Bledel

I'm not sure why this movie didn't turn out better - it had a great cast and a good storyline. Dealing with what happens after you graduate from college and before your adult life begins is a tricky time period. This movie half heartedly addressed this along with other issues, the other half went for cute romance. The end result? It was too all over the place and ended up a slightly less then average movie.

I liked all of the characters except for the cheesy south american soccer player across the street but hey, his type exists. The female lead (Ryden) is part of a goofy but lovable family of self titled losers: Michale Keaton was the father full of losing money propositions, the mother was low key and the younger oddball brother was cute but the family star was Carol Burnett as the wacky grandmother. Enter the love interest who has been Ryden's best buddy all through college but would like to be more. I'll sum up the movie for you: guy follows girl around like a puppy even after he is kicked a few times, gets mad and goes away, girl realizes what she had and runs after him - the end.

Given all the talent you would think that the movie would work but it falls apart despite some good scenes (anything with Carol Burnett or the derby race). Perhaps different editing would have made all the difference? I cannot recommend this movie unless you are die hard fans of the actors.

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