Saturday, February 15, 2014

I'm Reed Fish

I'm Reed Fish

I'm Reed Fish


I'm Reed Fish (DVD)
By Jay Baruchel

I only bought this movie because Alexis Bledel was in it and overall, I have to say, I'm very disappointed. Aside from the two women (Alexis Bledel and Schuyler Fisk), the acting was awful/bland, and the plot was just really weird/lame. Throughout the story, you get to know the characters and see their relationships develop and then all of a sudden, you realize they were all just acting. At the end, two completely random people end up being the real Jill and Kate and I couldn't have cared less who he ended up with because they were both complete strangers with whom there had been no chemistry developed.

It's really ridiculous to waste so much time building up everyone's relationships and chemistry like that only to extinguish it all in the end. I can tell the director was going for something unique and different here rather than just the predictable love story but honestly, a predictable love story would have been much better. IMO, this just didn't work out at all.

Aside from the ridiculous plot twist, the main character was just not all that likeable. Jay's Reed was less the likeable guy and more the mumbling, moronic loser who I just couldn't like no matter how hard I tried. I wish neither woman had ended up with him in the end because he really wasn't worthy of any of them in any respect.

The only decent part of the movie was when Schuyler Fisk sang at the bar. That was truly the only thing worth watching so please, don't waste your money on this one unless you really want to see her sing (Even then you might just want to fast forward to that part).

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//PART 2